Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Processing the News

The article discusses how much photoshop can poorly impact photojournalism shots.  It states how the photos you take should not need much editing, and they should be near perfect before you "edit" them.  The public is starting to not trust the media due to photo-manipulation.  People should not have to question if a photojournalist's piece is real or fake.  Also, now professionals are going to have to start making their photos verifiable.  The overall message of the article is that photoshop is only good in moderation. 

Something interesting I learned was from Reuter's Brief Guide to Standards, Photoshop, and Captions.  It listed all of the things that are ok to do to photojournalism pictures.

This article will help me with my project because now I know to only use photoshop when necessary and to not go overboard.  The shots should remain realistic, and I should only do things like cropping, brightening, and sharpening.

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