Thursday, May 1, 2014

Creative Techniques


b.                                              Song for image overlay with text

I took 5 photos of me where I looked depressed and gothic.  The song talks about someone who lost a person who was important in their life.  I chose the lines, "Don't try to fix me i'm not broken.  Hello, i'm the lie living for you so you can hide, don't cry".  In the pictures I took, I am playing the role of the "lie living for you".  The "lie" is a dark and scary thing in the artist's mind.  In the song the artist is trying to express that she does not need another person to try and help her get through the pain, she will get through it by herself.  She is lying to herself to cope with the issue but on the outside she seems fine.  This song really spoke to me and I liked the message that I was given.

c. For all of my image overlay photos I took pictures of my friend, Lucy.  I photographed her doing different actions for each of them.

d.                                                            Halftone Screen
AA00A2 / DF004F / 5C0DAC

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