Sunday, March 23, 2014

Motion Blog Assignment 2


These photos that represent panning are visually appealing because the subject is in focus, and the pictures make you feel like you are moving too.  The moving effect is created by the horizontal lines.

Zooming photos are visually appealing because there is a focal point in the center, and the entire photo is blurry.  This technique is overall easy to do and has a cool outcome.

Chrono is very visually appealing because you are using the same subject over and over again.  One photo can show the entire path of the subject. 
Writing with Light:

Writing with light is visually appealing because you can get very creative with it.  Any light source can be used, as long as you have a slow shutter speed.  The second photo is particularly interesting because it tells a story.
Blurred Motion:

Blurred motion is visually appealing because the background is completely in focus and clear, but the subject appears to be moving. The photos make it look like the picture is moving.
Frozen Motion:

Frozen motion is my favorite type of motion photography.  It is visually appealing because everything in the photo is clear and there is a ton of detail.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Writing with Light Group Experiment

ISO 100 f/4.5 shutter 2.5 seconds
ISO 100 f/4.5 shutter 2 seconds
I think shooting this type of motion is really fun.  The designs you can make are endless. You can get very creative when writing with light.  I think I could have made my pictures more interesting.  I had a basic understanding when doing this assignment, but now I understand the concepts better.  If I were to do this assignment again, I would use a different source of light.  Also, I would use an even slower shutter speed.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Motion Blog Assignment 1

Blurred Motion:
Blurred motion is achieved when the camera is on a tripod, there is a slow shutter speed, high aperture, and the subject is moving.

Frozen Motion:
 Frozen motion is achieved when there is a high aperture, an extremely fast shutter speed, and the subject is moving.

Zooming is achieved by zooming in on the subject while taking the picture with a slow shutter speed.


Panning is achieved by moving with the subject, but keeping the subject in focus.  There is low aperture used and a slow shutter speed.

Writing With Light:

Writing with light is achieved by using a very slow shutter speed and a high aperture.  The light should be moving around while you take the picture.


 Chrono is achieved by taking several different pictures of the same subject with a high aperture, slow shutter speed, and a tripod.  Then you overlap the pictures using photoshop.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Aperture Quiz

In order by smallest depth of field to largest

Thoughts on the assignment:
 I think this assignment helped me perfect the concept of depth of field.  I fully understand how to use this skill now.

I could have made these photos more interesting.  Next time I could try taking the photos with an interesting angle.

Depth of field can be manipulated in photography by changing the f stops when taking pictures.  You can use small f stops to focus on one object, or large f stops to focus on everything, depending on what you want your photo to look like.  Someone may want to manipulate their depth of field if they only want to focus on one part of something.  Knowing how to correctly use depth of field can greatly improve someone's overall photography skills.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Caruso Depth of Field Final Project

The element used in this photo of a purse is worm's eye view.

The element used in the photos of the violin and piano is leading lines.

The element used in the photo of the running water is movement.  The element used in the photo of the tea pot is asymmetrical balance.  Last, the element used in the photo of the dial on the stove is leading lines.


I worked very hard to capture these photos using depth of field with the best of my ability.  I had set my DSLR to monochrome to shoot in black and white.  I tried to take my photos with cool angles to make them more interesting.  With photoshop, I edited the shots and changed the levels of black and white.  If I were to do this project again, I would photograph objects that have closer relation to each other.

Caruso Depth of Field Practice